Leave it to MC Nickels to prove that sweaters and jackass customers aren't the only things that get uglier around Christmas time. Little demons have been delivering the hellish holiday splendor by the truckloads recently. I'm really beginning to wonder if they picked up some of the dresses at a yard sale thrown by Paula Abdul and Tiffany. A picture is worth a thousand words and I risked my life, limb and unfortunate choice of career for these lovelies, so let's take a gander, shall we?
Wrap your right boob up in a lovely bright red taffeta bow for the holidays leaving almost as much mystery and intrigue as a dick in a box.
Did someone say Molly Ringwald? Pretty in Pink? No? What? Oh, sugar plum fairy? Screw that, I'm the cotton candy fairy.
You might have noticed in my long, yet clever title of this post, I stated this is merely part one of what I expect to be a very long series spotlighting the more eclectic holiday items MC Nickels carries. These items will more than likely be available for $1.97 in January. Oh, the anticipation. Not for the $1.97 holiday deals, for January when this hellish time is coming to a close.