Friday, November 26, 2010

Blah Blah Black Friday.

I would be amiss if I didn't write a post about the infamous Black Friday, but to be honest nothing too eventful happened. Besides kharma finally catching up to me in the form of an evil candle, which sliced my finger the whole way middle finger. OK, maybe this is a good thing. Honestly. I didn't have very mean customers. I had a few idiots who decided to call every five minutes to see if we had a certain shirt or pair of pants... but even that was rather amusing, I got to practice my different accents. It was indeed a small world at the good ol' MCN.

I survived Thanksgiving with my loving family with only a few beat downs of what a waste of life I am, a lot less than I usually receive, in fact. It was a night of good food and good times... especially finding out I'll be going to a certain outdoor hockey game on January 1st. The traffic was the only thing that annoyed the hell out of me the past few days. On may way home, I wasn't sure if it was people driving home for the holidays or fleeing a zombie apocalypse. My heart skipped a beat since I had left me weapon of choice, a Razor scooter, at home. (A mode of transportation/ kinda sorta quick getaway AND a pretty good bludgeoning weapon) Unfortunately it was Thanksgiving traffic with not a zombie in sight... not even a zombie turkey. I don't handle traffic well, in any form. But this time I made a friend. Well, not really, but I totally would have if we were stopped long enough. A car merged in front of me, which does annoy me sometimes because I just want to get the hell out of there and it's just one more person in my way. This time was different though. This time the car was actually a hearse with the license plate "6 FT DWN." Whoever you are, you are now my hero. Unfortunately, I lost sight of him when we approached the tunnel and everyone decided to start merging and braking to make sure that it was a real tunnel and Wile E Coyote did not paint it on the side of the mountain to trick the Road Runner and unsuspecting Pittsburgh drivers.

Oh well, tomorrow's another day... sometimes I actually hope for the assholes, at least they make it interesting.

1 comment:

  1. The Razor scooter is a wise weapon/mode of transportation of choice. However, I would recommend carrying a secondary weapon, possibly a machete or sawed-off shotgun, in the event that you are in need of transportation and a weapon simultaneously.

    The Z-Day Preparedness Coalition
