Being the good little ex-Catholic school girl I am, I usually try to give something up for Lent so the Easter bunny will hide eggs all over my house Easter morning . This year, I decided I was going to give up sarcasm and be nice to customers. Well, I made it through Ash Wednesday...because they called me Tuesday and said my hours were cut on Wednesday (like it was a bad thing!) Then I realized when I came in on Thursday that it would have been easier to give up breathing.
As soon as I came in, I had to deal with the mannequin who thought it was still Mardi Gras and couldn't keep her clothes on. I hate changing the mannequins to begin with, but I hate the immature, dirty old men who seem to flock to the store when they hear the sounds of disassembling and disrobing the plastic women of their dreams. Honestly, you would think they were the boys from Porky's looking through a peep hole... into a mannequin factory? So hot and steamy.
Now, there are also the lady customers who must have had a little bit too much, forgot to "just dance" and somehow forgot how to use her telephone... her-her-her telephone. Either that or they bought a cellphone that is far beyond their technical knowledge. Twice today I had to show women how to text with their own phone. (We have coupons that are sent via text message) And I just love the awkward moments when they just stand there, staring at you, waiting for the coupon that never comes.
So, God, Jesus, the Easter Bunny, I'm sorry I failed miserably on my Lenten sacrifice and gave into the evil, evil sarcastic little demon on my shoulder... in one day. I'll try to do better next year... especially since I'll probably be in jail for stalking up The Dark Knight Rises set. Joseph Gordon-Levitt, here I come!
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