I eventually got bored trying to convince people that the lightning was actually part of The Dark Knight Rises and that Christopher Nolan can control the weather. So with only Kurt Vonnegut by my side, I decided to take a walk to see what the husky pup was up to. I got the entire way down to the Mon incline when I realized what I was doing was slightly creeper so I decided to turn around. I didn't make it four steps before I saw the husky coming straight towards me. I decided to play it cool and nonchalantly walk past. As I was walking, trying to not look at the owner, who I'm sure was staring quizzically at me, I felt a warm tongue and wet nose brush up against my hand. That was it, I had a taste and I wanted more. I turned around and began following the lovable pup once again. It wasn't weird at all. He wanted me. He would have totally left his current owner to be with me. I'm the pretty one! Wait, it was weird. The one ounce of normal in me began sounding alarms as loud as Bono in Heinz Field. So I turned around and ended up wandering about a mile down the street to the statue of George Washington about to make out with Sacagawea No, really....

How romantic...
I was proud of myself- I avoided being a total creeper and I got some exercise... until I saw the same husky puppy come out of the shadow of the statue. After a small shocked expression, I scurried over to one of the rocks and pulled out my book. See? Thinking you're a Disney princess can come in handy sometimes. After I read a few pages and could no longer hear jingling dog tags, I surveyed the area to find there were only two other people in my vicinity. A couple. Talking about their hopes and dreams. With me right next to them reading Cat's Cradle. A satire on the end of the world. It was then I realized- I am become creeper. Destroyer of nights.
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