Out of all the things she could have picked in my statement to be smart alecky about she picked the one that made her seem the least... well, smart. I replied that yes, it's Labor Day. This time I knew my bold statement could easily be backed up by calendars and sane people. She did not take the hint to insert her foot into her mouth and continued to complain that her paper bag tore in the treacherous downpour she had to face in her long journey through the mall parking lot. I told her it was a shame, he seemed like a good bag.
I waited until her and her gaggle of gals left the fitting room to return. I found the poor, torn bag unceremoniously shoved in the corner of the back room. I hope they accept paper bags across the rainbow bridge. This one clearly meant a lot to the lady. The way she was going on and on and on about how he tore in that horrible rain. It must have been hard to lose him. But what a way for him to go- drowned and torn apart then shoved in the fitting room. He was like the Rasputin of paper bags. May he rest in peace.

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