A few hours later, what I thought to be a kindred spirit came to my register. "I hate this music," she stated. My day immediately brightened, finally, a fellow Ebenezer to share my cynicism. "I know," I replied, "Me too. I can't wait till January." The customer's eyes narrowed into a seething glare, "No," she snarled, "I don't like this kind of Christmas music." Yes, techno club remixes of "Rudolph" are somewhat strange, but I will hold my ground with N'Sync's Christmas album being a classic. It's bad when you're praying for N'Sync to come blaring through the store speakers. I even hear Justin Beiber has a new Christmas album. Giving customers Beiber fever is a risk I would be willing to take. At least it would be a little more upbeat than Satan's children singing a round of the top ten most depressing Christmas songs followed by Josh Groban hitting my brain like a tranquilizer dart telling it to "sleeeeep, sleeeeeeep" while all the cougars in the store begin swooning. I would like to personally put out a hit on this man for aiding the torture of MC Nickels associates. However, if you do find him, bring him to me first so I can use my Josh Groban pick up line, (said in my sultry, seductive voice only slightly reminiscent of a drag queen,) "Hey, Josh Groban, I'll raise you up."... wink.
If they played the opening credits from "Christmas Vacation" I wouldn't mind shopping during this time, because I can replay the movie when it comes on, in my mind, but when radio stations like the ridiculous Delilah play amy grant and whitney houston's christmas favorites, I want to fill my ears with bees. NOT beads, bees. (A little Arrested Development jab in there ;) )