So who's on first, what's on second, and crazy's on the phone. The hell hole has cut hours, cut people, and left the surviving associates to fend by themselves on the floor. I'm one of the lucky? leftovers. So I get to deal with fitting rooms, folding, recovery, and customers all by my lonesome. I'm wondering if it's a psychological study because no one can remain sane under these circumstances... especially when dealing with certain people.
This morning I got a phone call. Since I actually wasn't doing anything, I had to answer. The lady on the phone asked if we had hockey shirts. I asked if she meant Penguins shirts. Of course I was the stupid one for asking this question and she responded with, "Well, what other team would you have?" Gosh golly gee, I had an answer for this one, "Actually, we got a shipment of Buffalo shirts in." I figured maybe it would piss her off that we dare carry another team's merchandise. Apparently I made this up because she retorted, "They're not a team. I never heard of the Buffalos." Sabres. Buffalo Sabres. They're not the "Buffalos." But, yeah, ok. So I asked her what kind of Penguins shirt she was looking for. "You know, the ones you had over Christmas," she stated. I told her that we do have some leftover, but we haven't gotten in any new t shirts, just swim trunks and flip flops. But she was looking for specific shirts, "you know, the ones made out of a different material that kinda have holes in them." Jerseys. They're called jerseys. Well, we do have them so I asked her who she wanted. She responded with, "Neal. 71." We don't have Neal, but she was in luck, we have plenty of Malkin ones. Once again, I'm the stupid one, "I didn't ask for Malkin, now did I? I asked for Neal, number 71." I told her that we don't have Neal, but if she was looking for number 71 we do have Malkin. I still don't know what I'm talking about, she is looking for a Neal jersey who is 71. So I just gave up and told her we don't have a misprint Neal or Malkin jersey playing number swap. Then she asked how much the jerseys cost. I told her anywhere from $109 to $120. Apparently this is too much money to show support for her Neal/ Malkin hybrid. She also yelled at me because "The team is doing really good right now. You should get more in so more people could show support." So I told her to look at Pro Image or to find cheaper ones, there's online knock off sites or even the Strip District. She could even customize her own jersey so Neal is number 71. Way to jump on the bandwagon then go tumbling off.