I thought I left the crazies downstairs. Or at least most of them. But they all decided to come visit me in the mens department today. I know I got a little too obsessed with Leap Day William and incessantly quoted 30 Rock... and even wore blue and yellow. However, I still recognize February 29th as a day. One of my first customers of the day did not. She stormed up to the mens counter and began her rant about a pair of jeans she bought for $15 on February 29th and now they're back up to $25. I told her that with the new pricing strategy we have month long sales. She purchased the jeans in February and it is now March, which means it's a new sale. The lady began to argue with me, stating that any other year, it would have been March 1st so she should be able to purchase the jeans for $15 and February 29th "doesn't count" as a real day. I would have laughed, but she was very passionate in this belief. I would have thought that perhaps she was actually referencing the 30 Rock episode, but it I'm pretty sure she didn't have a humorous bone in her body... well, besides the humerus (betcha never expected an anatomy joke. That's right, I've seen an episode or two of Bones). The pants weren't even from the mens department. Oh, no. They were from downstairs. This crazy hunted me down. And I'm starting to study a whole new set of crazies in their natural surroundings...
The mother shopping with son. A rare sight, particularly if the male is over a certain age. For some reason, today was an appropriate day for the teenage male to be seen with the matriarch of the family...especially if the matriarch is of the kinda sorta slightly loopy variety. As soon as we opened the store, a rather attractive bloke entered the store. He asked for a Penguins vest that was on hold behind the counter. Upon retrieving the vest, my heart fell a little for it was a vest for a female. I handed it to the young man, assuming it was for his girlfriend and no matter how much I bat my eyelashes for well, let's be honest, lean down with my slightly low cut top, he wouldn't give me a second glance. But, oh no, it was worse. Much worse. About five minutes later, I saw what appeared to be a middle aged woman dash across the store in the same vest with the dashing young man following her, whining for her to hurry up because she had to drive him somewhere. The two ran around my department for a little longer, conversing loudly with large hand motions. The mom ran to the neighboring lingerie department and at least the adoring son did not follow her. He stopped by my register for a talk. Surprisingly, prince momma's boy was actually charming....then his mom ran through the department again... and he followed her. I lost sight for them for awhile and breathed a sigh of relief since they ran right past my register. Unfortunately they returned. With a lot of items. And momma was in the mood for a chat. And there was a price discrepancy, which meant they stayed at the register even longer. I heard their whole soap opera-ish story. Apparently he dropped out of school a year and a half ago and she was helping him lie to the entire family, leading them to believe he was still in school. But he's smarter than his brother, who just graduated with honors from law school... would it have been too forward had I asked if his brother was single and if I could have his number? Note to self for when I become skinny, pretty, and slightly more confident- MC Nickels is not the place to go gold digging.
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