Saturday, March 10, 2012

Back to the Misses Department

After spending a relaxing month-ish in the mens department, they threw a curveball into my schedule. Just when I thought I escaped, they send me back to the misses department...just the thought makes me want to run away at 88 mph.

I have noticed a drastic difference in the types of customers between misses and mens. I tend to get yelled at less in mens, they don't like small talk (mostly), and they understand that we always need to scan things so hiding the tags doesn't help, sometimes it's just easier for us to take the stuff off the hangers and fold it, and it never helps to roll your purchases up into a ball and then tap your foot impatiently when we try to untangle your mess. Basically, they're less bitchy. Big surprise considering the majority of the mens department customers are, well, men.

They changed everything about the fluorescent lit hell- from motto to pricing to the entire look. And it's now up to the associates to take the brainless zombies that we get as customers by the hand and explain to them the new strategies. Part of this new pricing scheme is having clearance signs that say "$5 and up." So clearly everything on the rack is $5; if it was more than $5, the tag would say "and up." A lot of the male customers accept the price on the tag. Not women. They'll bring an item, which is clearly marked $8, up to the register, but argue it's supposed to be $5. I'll take them back to the sign and point to the "and up," which they don't understand and still respond with "But the sign says $5." There were so many times tonight when I just wanted to put my ear to the sign and say "I don't hear anything. The shirt's $8."

One more small annoyance. Thanks to the awesome new CEO, old Ronny boy with a last name that is synonymous with "dick" (the way things are going, it seems very fitting), opening new credit accounts is the number one priority. And most of the managers have taken this to heart and are harassing the associates even more than they were before. As annoying as that is, I still wish to take it out on the customers who just start repeating "No, no, no" over and over again when I start my little speech about the fantastic benefits of opening an MC Nickels card. Really? Are you tired of people asking you to open a charge? How difficult that must be on you relaxing day off full of fun time at the mall. Guess what, it's my damn job and I'm even more tired asking a million people if they want to open a stupid credit card. Let's grit our teeth and get through this together, shall we?

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