Saturday, June 18, 2011

The early bird gets the pissed off associate

I haven't gotten the call to action from Batman yet, so I'm still stuck at the hell hole. I'm pretty sure I don't even need an apartment anymore, I might as well just shack up at work. They love to do the infamous "clopen." It's not as fun as it sounds. I was stuck closing last night till 10:00 (about 10:30 when I finally leave, 11:00 when I get home and 2:00 till I get to sleep) and then I got to come in at 9:00 this morning (about 7:00 my alarm goes off, it's 7:30 after I hit the "snooze" button a million times, 7:45 till I actually get out of bed after contemplating what a strange word "snooze" is, etc.) After all of that nonsense, the hell hole is the last place I want to be. So if you are ever looking to barter in a retail store, as soon as it opens would be your best bet. Just be sure to go to the associate who barely has his/her eyes open.

If you happen to be a morning person, try not to rub it in. Some of us with menial jobs like to live in a dream world instead of our hellish realities and it's not very nice to force us to be at work when we could be dreaming about having dinner with David Tennant in Jurassic Park. First, a customer decided to wander from the juniors' department to misses and proceed to argue the prices of almost every item. Of course they wouldn't accept me calling the other department to verify the prices. Nope, I had to walk over there too. Far too much work at such an ungodly hour to be stuck in retail hell.

Then, of course, another one of the first customers I had practically waltzed up to the register singing the store's praises. I do not take kindly to such nonsense. I could hear the "customer service scores" plummeting with each grunt. Luckily, it was an older person who agreed that us youngin's shouldn't have to work at such an awful hour... unless it's on a film set, of course (or at least a job I like.) Speaking of...

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