Well, another year, another failed turkey genocide. These vicious dinosaur descendants are still out there and it seems that every year on the last Thursday in November, we fail to eradicate them. However, may Thanksgiving always stand as a symbol of triumph of man over dinosaur until Raptor Jesus' second coming. I'm not quite sure why "family time" must be a part of this victorious celebration, but I must gather together with my slightly insane family and my mom's crazy cat lady friend (oh, if only I were joking about that one) and state what I am thankful for. This year, I said I was thankful for "indoor voices," but unfortunately my family still didn't learn how to use them. I just sat, staring at my glass of apple cider, hoping it would ferment so I could better cope with this forced togetherness. Or as I like to call it, Christmas without the presents.
However, the evening calmed down and I got to sit for hours on end and watch Arrested Development because I'm a nerd like that. Little did I know that the next day, I'd be begging for more family time. Eh, who the hell am I kidding? I've worked like 5 black Fridays, I knew what I was in for. But, still, I'm going to hold you in suspense until tomorrow because I freaking worked a 10 hour day after my darling mother woke me up to go to the mall before I had to drive an hour and a half back to the Burgh (hour and 45 minutes if you count the Dunkin Donuts drive through). So I'll keep you waiting on the edge of your seat for tomorrow's "Does hating Black Friday Make Me Racist?" Dunnn dunnn duuuuuunnnnnnn
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