Some would say that standing in the hot, hot sun in 90 degree weather wearing a winter coat is insanity. I, however, signed right up for it. Then, the one small part of my brain where logic lays awoke long enough to reason with the crazy and I cancelled my "reservation." So what could possibly compete with being "in" The Dark Knight Rises? Puppy shopping, of course!
Now, I knew I couldn't bring a dog home that day, but it couldn't hurt to look, right? Wrong. I wanted them all. Big dogs, small dogs, all would be welcome in my happy home. But I could only pick one. The one shelter we went to boasted they had three huskies on their website. They were all adopted by the time I got there. I made the rounds again and came across a medium sized, fluffy shepard mix named Daisy. Clearly it was a sign, Daisy was one of the first dogs of my childhood. I knew I couldn't get her that day, but I'm not above begging- or pimping myself out to pay the still-standing $5,000 vet bill. Any takers? Anyone?
Not wanting to take the first fluffy, adorable dog I came across, I continued down the row- I could always come back to her, right? Nope, strike two. I was batting a losing game, just like the good ol' Pirates. Off in the distance, I heard a banjo strumming the opening notes of the Deliverance theme and a rebel yell cry "Hey, Billy Joe, come look at thish dog." I turned around to see that hillbillies have taken a liking to my dog. I didn't want Jed Clampett and crew to take this dog, but I was powerless against my worst kayaking nightmare- what if they wanted me to squeal like a pig? (Only if they paid me. Remember, vet bill, people)
I'm just glad they put on their classiest attire for the occasion. A classic midriff baring Steeler shirt small enough to show off the impressive beer gut... on the man. But it's ok, because he clearly brushed his shiny, gleaming tooth for the festivities. His wife/ possible sister was lovely too. She was a dog expert, arguing that one of the "hushky" puppies was not actually a husky, when I'm pretty sure he was more husky than my poor baby was. Maybe I'm just bitter that the Clampetts found their canine soulmate... even though I saw her first. I might not have been part of them, but if I could, I would have still taken her, loaded up the Cavy and moved to Beverly. Hills, that is. Swimming pools, movie stars.
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