To all my nerds in training still duct taped to the couch, eyes open Clockwork Orange style watching Lost- don't read this.

Yesterday, August 15th, might have been just a normal day to most people, but to Lost fans it is a holy day of obligation. 8/15. As in the fateful Oceanic Flight 815, which started it all. Of course I celebrated by watching as many Lost episodes as possible. And my old phone became the smoke monster. Or to be more precise, the smoke monster is pretending to be my phone.
OK, so what really happened is on Memorial Day a few buttons on my phone just stopped working. I turned it off and when I attempted to turn it back on, well, it refused. I took it to the store and they basically said it was fried. Well, as much as I would like to, I can't go without a phone or else my mother would basically be living in my house. And neither I, nor the object of her stalking, Sidney Crosby, want that. So I ended up with a Trac phone. Preferred phone of grandmas and drug dealers. Once again, this combined with Breaking Bad make me sad I never paid attention in chemistry. I hated this phone. But then three months later on Lost day, I looked over at my poor lifeless phone on my side table and on a whim, picked it up. And it came back to life! Just like Jesus with Lazarus. The Smoke Monster and John Locke. Radiation/a comet/ space dust/ rabies/ virus and zombies. A day later and zombie phone, Lazarus, is doing just fine and I got all the pictures of Keyta off of it. It's also now one of the geekiest phones this side of the Droid (ringtone="You All Everybody," message tone= the "Grrrr. Argh" from Mutant Enemy, Joss Whedon's production company and alarm= "Non Le Regrette Rien...." the kick from Inception) My mom decided this was a sure sign that my life was going to turn around. Then I went for ice cream and more than likely ate several insects that dive bombed into it. Maybe not so much.

It's aliiiive!
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